Southall Sees Police Crackdown on Knife Crime and Drug Offenses

Two arrested with Class A drugs and a hunting knife in Southall | Hillingdon Today
Police in Southall arrested two suspects with Class A drugs and a hunting knife after a foot chase in response to rising knife crime and drug offenses / Metropolitan Police Service

In response to a surge in knife-enabled robberies and violence, police have intensified their presence in the Southall area. The heightened police activity is part of a concerted effort to curb rising crime rates and ensure community safety.

Recently, officers on patrol identified a group of males who attempted to flee upon seeing the police. A foot chase ensued, resulting in the detention and search of two individuals. With crucial support from a dog unit, officers discovered a significant quantity of suspected Class A drugs and a large hunting knife in the possession of the suspects.

Both individuals were arrested on charges of Possession with Intent to Supply Class A Drugs and Possession of an Offensive Weapon. This incident underscores the ongoing commitment of law enforcement to tackle violent crime and drug trafficking in Southall.

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