Planning Inspector dismisses appeal to build homes at 19th Century listed building
A planning inspector has thrown out an appeal contesting Hillingdon Council's decision to refuse planning and listed building applications that would have had 'unacceptable...
Rogue landlord couple ordered to pay £27,000 after renting hazardous property ‘not fit for...
Robin and Susan Kirstein, were sentenced at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court on Friday 4 March, after each admitting a string of offences contravening the Housing...
Problem pub in Hillingdon has licence revoked
The landlords of a nuisance pub in Hillingdon known for under-age drinking and violence have lost their appeal against the suspension of its licence.
Prison for prolific fly-tipper who trashed Hillingdon green spaces
A serial fly-tipper who dumped rubbish across Hillingdon, Sutton and Buckinghamshire, has been sentenced to 21 months in prison and had his van seized,...
Council refutes claims it plans to build on protected Metropolitan Open Land in Yiewsley
Hillingdon Council has denied rumours that it will build a new housing development and library on protected land at Yiewsley Recreation Ground.
In a statement...
Cold weather alert issued by Met Office
The Government has issued a cold weather alert for our area with a risk of freezing conditions and prolonged periods of fog across the...
Restricted Airspace Order over Windsor approved
Following a public consultation by police and the Civil Aviation Authority, a restricted airspace order was approved in neighbouring Windsor yesterday (11 January).
The order...
High Court gives its ruling on landmark planning case concerning former Master Brewer Motel...
The High Court handed down its judgment today (15 December) in relation to a legal challenge brought by Hillingdon Council against the Mayor of...
Mayor of London announces £1million fund to help older, disabled and low-income Londoners recover...
A new £1million Community Grants Fund to help support and empower communities across the capital in the wake of the pandemic has been launched...
Launch of space logo design competition to inspire children across the UK
Children across the UK have the chance to make history by designing a logo that will be displayed on the first small satellite launches...