Hillingdon Council has partnered with TRAID to make it easier and quicker to recycle textiles. From next Monday (20 September), Hillingdon Council’s textile collection service will change to TRAID – making it easier and quicker to for all residents to recycle unwanted clothes, shoes and accessories. When it launches, residents will no longer need to request purple recycling bags from the council but if they have some leftover they can still be used for this purpose.
Instead of kerbside collections, the charity TRAID will run free home collections – and they’ll also take small electrical items such as hairdryers, toasters or mobile phone chargers alongside textiles. This enhanced service is open to all residents, including for the first-time residents living in flats who were previously unable to use the council’s kerbside textile collection service.
Residents can book a collection day and time that suits them by visiting the textile recycling page on the Hillingdon Council website. The minimum donation is one large bag or three small carrier bags and they will only accept clothes, shoes and accessories (i.e scarves, jewellery and gloves). They will not accept duvets or pillows. Once booked, TRAID will arrive in a branded van to collect the donation.
The improved service means that clothes in a good condition can be given a new lease of life once they are sold in TRAID stores.
All profits from TRAID help fund international development projects to improve conditions and working practices in the textile industry. The scheme also helps educate people of all ages about the impacts of textiles on the environment and people’s lives, and how we can make more sustainable choices.
Cllr Eddie Lavery, Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Housing and Regeneration said: “We’ve teamed up with TRAID to make textile recycling that extra bit easier for our residents. This new partnership brings many benefits, allowing thousands of residents in flats to recycle their textiles from home for the first time, and also being able to donate small electrical items.
“So, if you’re having a wardrobe clear out or simply have some items you no longer need but are in good condition – from September, use TRAID. It’s quick and easy to use and every item donated helps to make a difference both to the environment and to people’s lives.”
To book a free collection you can also call 020 8733 2580 or email [email protected]. There are also many textile banks across the borough, which can also be used for textile recycling.